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white and gray Google smart speaker and two black speakers

Dec 15 2023

Choose Wisely: What Smart Home Tech Should You Adopt and Avoid?

In the age of smart living, our homes are becoming increasingly intelligent. They’re designed to cater to our every need. Smart gadgets are transforming how ...
artificial intelligence network programming illustration

Dec 10 2023

9 Smart Ways for Small Businesses to Incorporate Generative AI

There is no escaping the relentless march of AI. Software companies are rapidly incorporating it into many business tools. This includes tools like Microsoft 365, ...
black and white laptop computer

Dec 5 2023

7 Helpful Features Rolled Out in the Fall Windows 11 Update

In a world where technology constantly evolves, Microsoft stands at the forefront. It continues to pioneer innovations. Innovations that transform how we interact with our ...
Free cybersecurity data security firewall illustration

Nov 30 2023

Why You Need to Understand “Secure by Design” Cybersecurity Practices

Cybersecurity has become a critical foundation upon which many aspects of business rely. Whether you’re a large enterprise or small business, network security is a ...
white laptop computer on white table

Nov 25 2023

What Is Microsoft Sales Copilot & What Does It Do?

The use of AI-driven processes is exploding. Every time you turn around, software has gotten more intelligent. Harnessing the power of AI and machine learning ...
Free malware ransomware scam vector

Nov 20 2023

Watch Out for Ransomware Pretending to Be a Windows Update!

Imagine you’re working away on your PC and see a Windows update prompt. Instead of ignoring it, you take action. After all, you want to ...
Free Turned on Silver Imac With Might Mouse and Keyboard Stock Photo

Nov 15 2023

These 18 Sustainable Tech Habits Are a Win for Your Bottom Line

In today's world, sustainability isn't just a buzzword; it's a necessity. Businesses around the globe are increasingly embracing eco-friendly practices. This isn’t only for the ...
Free Round Grey Speaker On Brown Board Stock Photo

Nov 10 2023

How to Keep Your Smart Home from Turning Against You

Smart homes have become a ubiquitous part of modern living. It doesn’t even seem unusual anymore to tell your refrigerator to add milk to the ...
Free cyber security information illustration

Nov 5 2023

10 Biggest Cybersecurity Mistakes of Small Companies

Cybercriminals can launch very sophisticated attacks. But it’s often lax cybersecurity practices that enable most breaches. This is especially true when it comes to small ...